Evidence That the FDA Does Not Care About You

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"What the F.D.A. is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day."
Dr. Herbert E. Ley, former FDA Commissioner

When the health of the general public conflicts with multi-billion dollar companies, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will almost always side with the companies and completely ignore the safety of the public.
  1. In the 1970's, the drug company, G.D. Searle (later to be owned by Monsanto) was making a mockery of scientific research. See link below. They claimed to be performing pre-approval research for various drugs and the artificial sweetener, aspartame. Aspartame had the capability of becoming a billion dollar industry. After Donald Rumsfeld became the head of G.D. Searle, it did not matter how bad the research was. The FDA was going to approve their products. Here is just one tiny sampling of the G.D. Searle research. In addition to what you can see in that link, G.D. Searle removed tumors from animals, let tissue decay before analysis, hired an "expert" in fetal damage (teratology) who only had experience working on population dynamics of cotton tail rabbits, etc. By the early 1980's, the FDA was determined to ignore all of the scientific fraud and approve aspartame and other products based on this research. Since then, aspartame had more serious adverse reaction reports to the FDA than any other food additive and independent research has shown damaging formaldehyde adducts accumulating in the body upon ingestion of aspartame.

  2. There were two major concerns with the food additive, monosodium glutamate (MSG).

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